New Seasons & Faces!

Springing forward isn’t just a time change. Innova is growing! We have some new faces on the team, and some that have been with us a while but never got the spotlight… so here’s a great chance to meet them all and watch ‘em shine! (:

Here are some of the wonderful people that make our Innova world go ‘round:



Honorable mentions

for these other awesome people who recently served on our team – you are so appreciated!

Rachel Forrester (barista)

Gracie Jordan (barista)

Ben Walker (barista)

Mallie Green (baker)

Carter Butler (barista)

Justin Brown (barista)



To Our Amazing Team

Just as the seasons come and go

(we sometimes wish it wasn’t so),

Some changes come before we know

– their nature helps us learn and grow;

And though the seasons shift away,

we’ll greet them back another day.

It’s much like you, the friends we’ve made

through joys and pains along the way

A growing team with joy to spare,

your heart’s imprinted everywhere.

We cherish each of you so much:

Your times leave not our world untouched.


Thanks to an incredible team that feels like home


☀️ Summertime… and the livin’ is easy 🎶


It’s Brew Time!