The Story

Learn about how we got started, and why you are a part of our story.


A passion for people drives passion for product

Innova's mission statement was not crafted before the company was born. Many companies brand themselves before launching, but in an organic sense, Innova has branded itself with a vision which has developed over time.

Day in and day out, our passion for the people drawn into our shop has created a standard for our products. We care about our guests, so we are committed to offering them an excellent product.

It is our hope that you have a meaningful experience from the moment you exit your vehicle, walk up the sidewalk and enter our door. Every detail is thought out intentionally with you in mind. You are important to us, driving us to be and give the best we can to serve you.


Tyler's Story

“You can't fit a square peg in a round hole.” 

The original meaning of this phrase described a person who couldn’t be forced into a role for which he was not suited. That was Tyler Nash. For 25 years he wore a coat and tie, attempting a vocation in business and investments. But in 2008, when the U.S. economy tanked, so did his carefully constructed life, and Tyler found himself in a place he didn’t want to be.

Thankfully, this turn of events helped him discover a place he hadn’t known he was missing.


In order to make ends meet, Tyler began serving coffee in a local coffee shop, and passion began to spark in him like never before. He loved the people, he loved creating an environment, and he discovered a new passion for craft coffee.

As a result, Tyler decided to open his own coffee business, Innova Coffee, where he and his wife, Anna, provide an extraordinary experience for their customers. At Innova — which is Latin for renew, restore it’s about so much more than coffee. It’s about taking care of people.

Tyler’s attention to detail and genuine concern for the people he serves creates an atmosphere that says, “Come on in. We’re glad you are here.

Now happy to have been the square peg, Tyler has found his perfect fit at Innova Coffee.

It’s about so much more than coffee. It’s about taking care of people.

Our Product

It’s about discovery and preservation.

It's about discovering the regions of the world where the soil and climate come together to produce a coffee bean that exudes its environment. It’s also about discovering farmers in these regions who are passionate about planting, growing, harvesting and processing the beans in a way that best preserves what the soil and climate produced.

And finally, it’s about preserving — even honoring — what has been produced, so the flavor can tell the amazing story of its origin. 

This is Innova Coffee, and our sourcing and roasting partners are chosen based on these principles.

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